Yoni Herbal Steam
Yoni Herbal Steam
0.5 Ounces For 1 Steam
Women give your womb Self-Care and Self-Love. Rejuventate and Cleanse your Sacred Parts.
Yoni Steam is also known as Vagina Steaming which is a natural remedy practiced throughout history. It is known to regulate menstration, ease cramps and bloating, restore ph balnace, remove odors, detox and cleanse the vagina and uterus, and release emotions and anxiety. To use add 1 pouch or less if desired to a basin of hot water and let seep for a minute before use. Can also be used as a Yoni Herbal Steam Bath.
Made with all natural ingredients.
Dried Basil is known for natural antioxidants, anti-inflammatory properties, and relief of menstrual cramps.
Dried Calendula is known for its antiinflammatory, antibacterial, and antifungal properties, moisturing, and healing.
Dried Chamomile is known for its antimicrobial and antispasmodic properties, and aiding menstrual cramps.
Dried Lavender is known for relaxation, antimicrobial properties, and healing.
Dried Mugwort is known for its antimicrobial and antifungal properties, ease of menstrual cramps, balancing of female hormones, and maintenance of uternie helath.
Dried Oregano is known for its antispasmodic and antimicrobial properties, and aiding menstrual cramps.
Dried Peppermint Leaf is known to create more vaginal secretions, alleviate vagina dryness, and reduce menstral cramps.
Dried Raspberry Leaf is known to regulate menstrual cycle, tone and relax the uterine muscles.
Dried Red Clover is known for its antispasmodic properties, assist the body in removing waste, and help regulate hormones.
Dried Red Rose Buds and Petals are known for relaxation, calming, restoring skins radiance, and reducing inflamation.
Dried Rosemary is known for its antimicrobial properties, and wound healing.
Dried Sage is known for its antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antispasmodic properties, reducing cramping, and release of unwanted womb energies.
Dried Wormwood is known for healing, reducing pain, and increasing sexual desires.
Dried Yarrow is known for cleansing, regulating menstrual flow, and overall uterine health.
-Add herbs to a basin of hot water and let seep for a minute
-Remove clothes from the waist down and squat directly over the basin.
-Wrap a towel around your waist and legs to prevent the steam from escaping.
-Play some relaxing meoldies and enjoy!
- Yoni Steams range based on how hot the water is typically upwards of 20 minutes.
All statements are not approved by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. Please follow all physician orders and recommendations prior to using this product in respect to your personal health conditions. Please read all ingredients and test on a small area of the skin prior to use for allergic reactions. Please do not use if pregnant.
Stock photo used, however you will receive a similar product. Please note contents may vary in quantity and textures as this is a natural herbal mixture.
BreezESOL, LLC makes no claims or medical claims with the use of Yoni Herbal Steam products.